So, I was over visiting
Livingston I Presume where I was directed to
Garrison Keillor's Modest Proposal in which he suggests that since the GOP has created this situation wherein our country's young are being sent to die in a war we don't believe in, are leaving college incredibly in debt, and face being the generation to pay off the national debt we are building up by fighting an unnecessary war at the same time we enact tax cuts for the very rich, we pay that debt off by allowing no more medical care for card carrying Republicans, and allow them faith based care only.
I would like to expand this idea. The GOP has decided that they don't trust science. They don't want my grandchild to learn about evolution or have accurate sex education, they don't believe that man contributes to global warming, they don't want us to know what poisons are in our food and air or any of a number of other things. They only trust "sound science" which is their code for pseudo-science that they agree with.

So, let them live without any of the benefits of the reality based world that they have such contempt for. Turn off their health care. Turn off their lights. Turn off their television and phone. Let them walk or go horse back where ever they need to go. Let them make all their clothes by hand -- starting with tending the sheep and picking the cotton. Let them swim across the Atlantic and then walk to Iraq and replace our troops with their own bodies, using the sticks and rocks that were the only armaments available before someone experimented with reality based science. Let them plant their crops by poking a stick in the ground and dropping in a seed or two. Let them go hungry if they can't figure it out.
They want a theocracy? Let them go live in one. Iran comes to mind. Or, we could set up a preserve somewhere and allow them to go face a witch hunt.
I suggest that we have a flat tax for EVERYONE, No tax shelters. no deductions, just 10-20% of your GROSS income. THen free medical care for everyone making UNDER 200,000 a year. (not that I would ever come close to that) and no taxes after age 65. And Free education for EVERYONE! no more huge student loans. the money we would collect by having a flat tax the same for everyone, (no deductions now!) would pay for all of this!
I wonder about the folks at the bottom. For some even 10% might be a burden that would make life difficult for them. Not, of course, that it isn't already.
Yeah, that's my problem with the flat tax, too. But a lot of mary lou's ideas are great. And how wonderful would it be to be able to do your own taxes, without wondering if you're missing something? I've been doing turbo tax for years, and it turns out, missing a pretty big deduction, which cost us a couple of hundred dollars a year. I hate that we have to pay someone to figure this out for us. So I'm more for the graduated system, where the poor pay less and the rich pay more, but I don't see why we can't get rid of deductions and really simplify the tax code.
aq -- Cheney is the best part of it.
Hear freakin' hear!
My bad! It was Adventures in Paradise: http://www.fiftiesweb.com/tv/adventures-in-paradise.htm
I vote we stick 'em all someplace like Kansas -- after getting the sane folks out, of course -- slap up a big ole wall around the borders (like they wanna do to Mexico) and set up our own Minute Men to patrol, shooting down everyone who tries to climb over the wall and escape. With all the morons in a cage, as it were, we can control conditions like they want. I mean, we can make certain there is no technology inside WingNutLand, no advanced medicine, no nasty science based schools...none of it. And then, we can periodically bring our children by to look at it, as a reminder of what happens when Theocracy rules...
Hooray!!! I love this post and the comments are priceless especially this:
"I vote we stick 'em all someplace like Kansas -- after getting the sane folks out, of course"
Absolutely, Maya's Granny. Let them live in a world entirely created around *their* rules and see how well they like it.
Sounds good to me!
Revolution in November!! Exponential in 2008!!
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