I was over visiting Ally Bean at
Crazy Dust In My Coffee and she was talking about the fact that Rice Krispies are now out in an organic form and supplied a link to an article about why they make the sounds they make. There was a quote there to the effect that getting grants to study the noises made by breakfast cereal is a touch difficult, which amused me. And then, the two things, Ally's post and the silly quote got me to remembering . . .
When I was three
of* or four my mother sent away (probably with box tops) and got a pattern and made me a Pop doll. And the very first time I took it outside to play, an eight year old boy grabbed it away from me and wouldn't give it back.
So, I knocked him down and sat on his chest and beat his head against the ground. Which just goes to show that Maya's Granny has her darker side.
* Three of four? For a moment there, I sounded like a Borg! Which might be appropriate, since I acted like one!
Oh jeez! I'm glad that darker side had been put firmly in check before I came along! :)
J, well, at this age it wouldn't be a good thing if I knocked people twice my age to the ground and sat on them. On the other hand, they would probably leave my Pop doll alone.
Now J, this reminds me the story of when you clocked some neighbor kid in the head with a snow shovel when he was bugging your brother, and said kid was twice your side.
MG - although your beating of the kids head on the ground made me chuckle, I must say your Borg reference was the cherry on top.
Cherry, The kid Julie clocked on the head was the neighborhood bully and everyone was afraid of him. But, you better not threaten Julie's brother if you want to see tomorrow.
Hey, a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do. I'm impressed J.
I bet he never tried that again. You STILL sound like a force to be reckoned with...in the very best way.
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