Sunday, July 30, 2006

Sunday Morning Update

Well, it did cool off a touch during the night. At 11, I was laying on top of the sheet in a light nightie. At 2, pulled the top sheet over my shoulders. At 4, pulled the blanket over. At 6:30, got up and retrieved the quilt from the quilt frame and snuggled nicely down.

There are clouds coming in from the south! There is one kind of squatting on Mount Jumbo, over on Douglas Island, and others following like heaven on parade. Yahoo says it's 56, oh how civilized. The expected high is 62, still within the range of decent, and rain or clouds for the rest of the week, with an expected daily high of 57 or less!

Yeah, I know what you think. What a wuss, one day heat wave and she caves. You're right. Can't stand the heat. One reason I moved here. I did get out of the kitchen. I don't want the damned thing following me!

Oh, such a relief. I think I'll go down and feed the Hooligans and do a real post later.


J said...

You are truly a wuss. One night of 'hot', after the heat wave we had here....pathetic. Then again, you left to get away from such crappy heat, so I don't blame you for not liking it when it feels 'hot' there.

Susan B said...

Glad to hear it! It's supposed to start cooling down here (SoCal) a bit more over the next couple of days, which makes us all very 'appy.

kenju said...

We are getting your heat wave now; 3-4 days of 95* plus and high heat indices. Thank God we have air conditioning!

Zan said...

Your glorious weather is making me want to move to Alaska. Immediately. We just had some rain down here, so the last couple days have only hit 92 or so. And that felt like someone had dumped ice over the world, compared to what we had. If I didn't have my AC, I'd be dead by now. Unfortunately, the bills are coming in and they are scary. Why is it we have to pay so very much to be comfortable enough to function?

Unknown said...

Hi! Just wanted you to know I added your blog to my 'field trip' of enjoyable blogs! Come by sometime and check out my little bit I wrote about your blog (the blog entry with the yellow bus that says "field trip")

Gina said...

We don't like the heat either, and often ask ourselves why we live here!