Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The Cassandra Factor

Oh, I hate to say it, but I gotta. Here we have an article in Truthout.org (a favorite of mine) wherein Senator Edward Kennedy says that Roberts and Alito Misled Us.

And what I hate to say, because it is so very, very uncouth, but have to say because there is no other way on earth to express what I mean, is: DUH!

Why is it that I knew this, and you knew this, and Kennedy didn't? How is it that the Democrats didn't at least filibuster these appointments, if they could do nothing else?

I am really getting sick about this. Sick of seeing it coming and not being able to do anything about it, while the people who could do something apparently are blindsided. I mean, did the Swift Boating of John Kerry surprise you? After Ann Richards being painted as a lesbian and John McCain as the father of a black illegitimate child? When they made up lies that Gore supposedly told? Did you think that the GOP wouldn't say something underhanded and untrue about Kerry? So, since it was obvious to us that something would be done, why weren't the Dems ready to counter it? Why did Kerry sit there, like a deer caught in the headlights, unable to defend himself until he was roadkill?

Did it surprise you, after Florida in 2000, that there were irregularities in the Ohio elections? That Florida repeated its trick of purging black voters? So, again, why did the Dems get blindsided? Why did Kerry promise to prevent a stolen election and then concede when there were such questions about Ohio? Why was it the Libertarian and the Green, who hadn't a prayer of winning, who raised the money to try to force an examination?

I am so tired of predicting disaster and then watching it happen. So tired of the people in power running on half a brain. I don't like Cassandra and I'm tired of being her, thank you very much.


Maya's Granny said...

I know. When I read things like the Kennedy article, I just get so discouraged.

Jill said...

Maybe it's because Democrats and Republicans work for the same people -- the corporations.

Unknown said...

It remains a mystery to me why the Democrats have failed to widely publicize the ruthless, underhanded, and illegal deeds of the GOP. I can only conlude that the Dem's closets are so full of skeletons of their own that they fear having them exposed in retaliation.

Anonymous said...

These half brain twit politicans think we are mindless people who would believe the crap they dish out.

kenju said...

I fear Wally is right.

Chancy said...

I know I am going to sound like a simpleton, but I did not know that almonds grew on trees. I guess I have always thought they were a legume like peanuts and grew on a vine or plant.

Thanks for the info and the interesting story.

Anonymous said...

Do you really believe the Dems and Kennedy don't know? Of course you don't ( she said, answering her own question) It's all one big game...you pretend not to screw me...I pretend not to let you. Sigh. Claire.