Tuesday, August 08, 2006

What the Snow Covered

In the late 60s I taught Montessori in Fairbanks, Alaska. In those days the snow came earlier and stayed later, covering the ground for up to nine months at a time. In all of that time, we never saw the ground. These two vignettes happened against that background.

Mary Lou, a five year old, was painting one winter day. She painted a house and a snow covered yard with three snow men. When I walked by, the roof was covered in snow. A few minutes later, I walked by again and now the roof had been painted green and the snowmen were gone. I asked Mary Lou what had happened and she explained that the snow had fallen off the roof and covered the snowmen.

One April day on the play ground, I was talking to Robin, a four year old, and we agreed that the winter had been long. I said that I could hardly wait to see mud. Six weeks later, Robin's mother brought her to school and she ran up to me with her hand closed over a treasure. I said Hi and asked what she had and she smiled from ear to ear and answered, "A present for you" and opened her hand to a fistful of mud.


Cherry said...

I love how kids just adore thier teachers.

Autumn's Mom said...

Very sweet. When we were in Carmel, a mother had brought her two girls to the ocean and they were painting lovely sunny beach scenes. I thought that was just awesome.

Anonymous said...

Children are like light, can't live without them. I loved your stories.

Gina said...

I never was really one for kids, then I had my own and I apprciate their world view much more now!