Wednesday, March 07, 2007

In A Nutshell

In a Nutshell

A place set aside to answer 201 autobiographical questions
from a mother for her daughter. This may take awhile...join us if you like.

33. I remember well this birthday party I had with my friends.

I am trying to remember if I ever had a birthday party as a child. I honestly don't think that I did. I don't remember being upset about it, but I just don't remember it happening. When I think of birthday parties at all, I can remember two that I attended, both because of the gifts.

When I was six, and Mama was supporting us and barely able to keep a roof over our heads, my present to the birthday girl was a coloring book, which the clerk rolled in a tube and wrapped in blue paper, tied with string, and when I unwrapped it so we could do it up pretty, I tore a page and we had to go back and buy another. I remember that this took money Mama could ill afford -- hell, the original present had taken money she could ill afford.

And I remember a birthday party I went to when I was 12. It was for one of my friends who was really interested in space and rocket ships, and so I got her a model rocket and then, because she was a girl, a scarf. She loved it, but her mother was less than impressed with what I heard her tell her husband was my "pandering to her hoydenish taste."

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