Monday, May 14, 2007

How Low Can They Get?

Today on Angry Black Bitch SharkFu wrote about a 14 year old girl who was raped, and when she went to the hospital was not even told about emergency contraception. Go and read it. Think about it. What kind of hospital staff doesn't tell a 14 year old rape victim about emergency contraception? How can the possibility that two cells will unite and create life be more important than the future life of a 14 year old girl who is already here and suffering? How can anyone consider that she should have to pay for the sexual experience she surely didn't want or enjoy? The experience that was more power than sex, and that she will never recover from completely already.

I can understand if she were already pregnant, how a person who believed abortion was murder could advise against an abortion. I wouldn't like it, but I can understand how it would happen. But, when she wasn't pregnant, when it was early enough to use a true contraceptive and prevent a pregnancy, prevent a later need to decide whether to have an abortion or not, how could anyone not allow her the choice? In any circumstance, but especially in this.


kerrdelune said...

Well, they should have told her - they should have comforted her and informed her of all the options available, and I am angry that they didn't. The system let her down badly, and all (no doubt) because they couldn't be bothered doing anything for a fourteen year old black girl in distress - shame on them.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure whether it would be enough for the hospital staff to merely have told her that it was an option--I think it should be policy to administer the pill routinely to rape victims, letting them know what it is, and let them refuse it if they DON'T want it.

This is a shame.

Mary Lou said...

and it was probably a MAN that neglected to tell her! (my blood just boils over this...Men should NEVER be the ones legislating abortion reform. Supreme COurt justices included!)

Rain Trueax said...

That is infuriating and typical of ideologues who don't think with their heart but with dogma. Just crazy and I agree, offering a routine pill would make sense when nobody who has been raped would be thinking clearly. People could turn it down but they should not have to ask for it.

Betty said...

Even those people who are adamantly pro-life are not generally opposed to abortion in the cases of rape or incest. So, I don't understand why they would have been reluctant to give her all the information and protection she needed.