Thursday, May 17, 2007

A Humble Moment

Once again, I learn that it's a good thing I'm not God. Because, if I were, way back when John Ashcroft was sending the feds after the growers and users of medicinal marijuana in states where it is legal, I would have condemned him to contract a disease for which the only relief was marijuana. And now, it turns out, he got off his sick bed and defended the Constitution when Dubya was trying to bully him into signing reauthorization of illegal wiretaps. I was ready to damn him to suffering, and he was protecting my rights.

When it is so easy to rush to judgment and to be horribly wrong, how do judges do it?


Rain Trueax said...

I felt the same way when I heard that yesterday. So easy to misjudge a person but we had limited information to go by also. Still it made me feel good to know there are those in government who are defending the law, not just trying to get power. Amazing sometimes how jaded we can get.

Godwhacker said...

Funny! It is a sad statement on how low our government is gone when we can see Ashcroft as one of the good guys. Still, we should give credit where credit is due.

Tabor said...

I think judges are like us...human... and they clearly make mistakes.

Betty said...

You weren't wrong about Ashcroft. He was almost comatose on his sick bed and didn't realize what he was doing. Be thankful he wasn't himself. (There I go, being cynical, again.)

Chancy said...

In retrospect, Ashcroft was a heck of a lot better at Attorney General than the little weasel. Gonzales. IMHO

Maya's Granny said...

I still don't like everything he did, and he isn't my favorite person, but he clearly does understand the Constitution better than anyone else in this administration has. And so, I would no longer condemn him to suffer.

Anonymous said...

like this post...the entire episode falls into my "you just never know" box.