Autumn has come to Juneau. The trees are turning. This one is in the yard at the place where East doglegs and becomes Basin Road, just two blocks down from my apartment*. I love watching this tree turn every year; it puts on a fine display and gladdens the heart.
I like living in a place with four distinct seasons. Winter we get snow -- not daily, but last winter we got a record breaking 222 inches, so that it seemed like it was always falling down. Spring the leaves bud on the trees, everything turns green, and the flowers bloom. Summer it is warmer, berries are ripening, and the town fills with tourists. And fall -- plants change colors, leaves fall, and there is an invigorating nip in the air. And for three of the seasons and part of the fourth, it rains and then it rains again and then it rains some more, and finally it rains. We're currently having rain. Some downpours, although that isn't the usual thing. Usually, we get a fine misty rain that convinces you that you don't really need to open your umbrella, but manages to soak you by the time you've walked a couple of blocks. This fall we are having California winter style rain -- someone is standing on the clouds and dumping buckets of water on us. We do not, however, get thunder and lightening. About once in 15 years, when the rain comes from Canada instead of from the Pacific, the temperature differential between cold wind and maritime climate gives us thunder and lightening. I have to say, I really miss it. But the Taku winds are dramatic. Having been born on the birthday of Shakespeare and Shirley Temple, I do love drama.
* One morning about seven years ago, I was walking to work and as I turned the curve and started down I saw a large black dog going into this yard. And then I realized that the reason that dog was as big as a bear was because it was a bear. So I turned around and went the other way. My Mama didn't raise any fools, and only a fool argues right-of-way with a bear.
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