Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Big Cat

This never happened in the Serengeti: Luke interrupts his gnawing to study the odd white flakes falling softly on the Smithsonian's National Zoo in Washington.
Photo and text courtesy

Merry and Pippin have been sitting in the window this morning watching it snow. Like the lion, they also are caged and enjoy watching something different happen. They also like to watch the rain, particularly when we have a good, strong wind along with it. And they love to watch birds. Since the eagles and ravens that fly near my place are very large birds, they watch them with a great deal of interest.

We don't expect much snow today -- the trucks have come by and sanded the road, but unless something unexpected happens there will not be any need for the plows. Just enough snow to make things look pretty. The mountains across the channel on Douglas Island look like God has been sifting powdered sugar over them. And the snow is already melting on the roof across the street. Like Merry, Pippin, and Luke, I enjoy watching it come down.

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