Sunday, March 30, 2008


So, here I am again. I think I will have Dale bring me some tea along with the Whopper! We don't have B King in Juneau, so I had the title wrong.

Yesterday was very tiring. So I took it off. Napped in my chair a lot. I know what would perk up my appetite for sure, and even though recreational pot is not illegal in Alaska, I don't think they can use it medicinally. & everyone I know who could help me is in Juneau!!!!!

What a sadness.

Anyway,so good to hear from all of you. It makea my day even when I haven't the energy to respond. One thing I've realized, that for all that I've lost, I didn't lose this or you. I'm still Maya's Granny!!!!


Cherry said...

Well my dear, you will be in CA very soon and it is medicinally used here. Of course I hope your appetite returns before your trek to the sunshine of California.

Perhaps your nephew....

Anonymous said...

Hi MG - Just a note to let you know that I'm thinking about you. Glad you're able to post, and hoping hoping hoping that things will improve quickly. Hugs to you.


kenju said...

And we're still here! and happy that you are too. I didn't know that pot wasn't illegal in Alaska.Or did I read that right?

Never That Easy said...

I think I'm just going to keep saying how glad I am that you are back. That you are doing better (on any given day, on any given moment). A cuppa will do you good. Love and hugs!

Anonymous said...

Glad to know you rested. Amazed that one can blog in Alaskan hospital. A good development. Amazing, too, the blog community. Nothing I would have predicted way back in the '60s in California when so much exciting change was in the air. Back to my knitting....

Bugwalk said...

Yes, indeed you are! You're still you, going through a very big thing.