Monday, May 05, 2008


This setback finds Maya's Granny back in another assisted living facility, as of yesterday. She's not strong enough to take care of herself, and needs to be eating and able to do more before she can be out of professional care. Sigh. The doctors seem to think her major problem is depression, a diagnosis that I don't disagree with.

So now they're going to get her evaluated for that, and figure out what medication they might be able to use that will help her, and won't have the problems that both Paxil and Prozac have caused. She'll have more physical therapy, as well as occupational therapy. Sigh. Not sure when she'll be back to her blog, but it may be awhile.


Anvilcloud said...

Sounds like positive action at least. Best wishes.

Tabor said...

I am glad that you second guess the medical diagnosis. They tend to write us older folks off pretty fast with diagnoses such as depression, dehydration, and dementia. I think she may need less 'de's' and more 'c's" such as creativity, consistency and loving care.

kenju said...

I am sorry to hear that, but glad she is getting the help she needs. Thank you for keeping us posted! Tell her we are thinking of her and hoping she will get better soon.

Uncivil said...

Wow!!!! "Tabor" said it best! Ditto on that.
I'd say no to antidepressants period. Who knows what side effects they could have with her real medication?

Anonymous said...

Prozac and Paxil have a similar mechanism of action, so if one doesn't work, it's not at all unlikely that the other wouldn't either. There are certainly a host of other things that can be tried, that won't be likely to interact poorly with her other meds. I just hope she's being treated by a good psychiatrist, not a general practitioner who is playing psychiatrist. It makes a huge difference.

I also wonder how much of MG's depression is due to losing her cats in addition to her independence?

Much love to her.

J said...

kelliamanda, that's one thing the MD at the hospital said, pretty much just what you said...that he thought she would be MUCH better served by a good psychologist at this point, who is more of an expert than he was. There is a psychologist where she is now, and she'll meet with him/her soon.

MG's depression started before her heart condition, before she lost her apartment, her very beloved cats, her lifestyle and her freedom. I think that those losses, plus the brush with death that a surgery and a heart attack must feel like (she often says how she is the one who died, in conversation), have contributed to take what was depression, and made it into major depression. She was already at a point where she was only getting dressed on days that she left the house, not cooking for herself, not watching anything new on TV, because reruns were easier. Now it's worse, where she is barely functioning at all. There are so many pieces to the puzzle.

Susan B said...

Oh J, I'm so sorry to hear this. It must be so hard for you. If there's anything we can send, besides healing thoughts, please do let us know.

Suzann said...

Keeping MG and your family close in my thoughts.

Bitty said...

MG and J, you are on my mind always. I hope that things start improving soon.

Chancy said...

I hope the doctors prescribe an effective medication for the congestive heart failure you mentioned earlier. MG has been through so much.

Tabor has good insight into this situation even though from afar.

joared said...

Sorry to her MG's had a set back. Hard to keep spirits up when recovery turns into an up and down roller coaster ride. If it's any consolation, tell her that I do see that with patients sometimes. I would encourage her to think of the down time as temporary, but know thinking like that isn't always easy. Good that family is on top of care she is receiving, educating themselves about meds and treatment, keeping all medical folk on their toes. Will look forward to her sending out a line or two for her blog whatever her mood if she's inclined to do so.

lilalia said...

J., please give your mother my best wishes. As you say, "a heart condition, losing her apartment, her very beloved cats, her lifestyle and her freedom" is all just too much to recover from. Even it her depression started beforehand, the rest may appear now to be unsurmountable. My grandmother went through a similar phase as well after a broken hip, the death of my grandfather, and her grandson. What "saved" her was moving into a senior home where she felt safe. She met new friends and became busy again.

Medication is not necessarily the answer to all problems, but if your mom is to take medication alongside help with a therapist, that would be good.

geogrrl said...

Setbacks are always discouraging, but at least things are getting sorted out.

I'm just guessing, but the depression may be because she's ill and is in assisted living. *Sigh* because she's rather weak right now, it makes it difficult to change that.

Is there anyone around that can take your mother out on a daily basis? I don't mean go anywhere, I just mean get her outside, if it's to sit on a bench for a bit. I know that when I'm ill or weak getting outside for even a short time provides a tremendous lift to my spirits.

geogrrl said...

Sorry--I didn't read your later comment.

I do think that the current circumstances have contributed to your mother's depression, but I also agree that you're dealing with clinical depression here--a different animal.

Getting her outside may still help a bit, as well as getting her interested in things again. I know, easier said than done right now.

Rain Trueax said...

From what I understand, which is limited, depression can be an early warning sign of heart problems; so it might have been physical back then but she didn't recognize it for what it was. Most of us are not very informed on such things. Having had Prozac at one time, I know it can be effective for awhile to be on an antidepressant. It's just finding one that works. When she is feeling more herself, she will gradually be able to get off it. It's not a weakness to take pills that someone needs for emotional problems anymore than physical ones. She has had a very hard set of experiences and hopefully things will be brighter for her soon. It's too bad she had to lose the cats as that would be a major depressant to me. Mine are my kids which is not unusual in those of us whose families are raised. Hope things are looking up for her soon.

GirlGriot said...

This must be so hard for you and so frustrating for MG. I'm glad, though, that she'll be getting steady care until she's able to be more on her own. Watching my aging mother (wow, that was hard to write!) care for her much older sister who needed 24/7 on-call care and was losing mobility rapidly was wrenching ... and convinced me that assisted living and/or skilled nursing facilities can really be lifesavers as much for the caregivers as for the family member needing care.

Good luck and give my love to MG.

Mary Lou said...

I am on Zoloft for depression because paxilamd prozac did not do the job. I am sooooo much better on Zolloft!..

Jill said...

Thinking of MG and her entire family and sending lots of warm hugs and healing wishes to all of you. xoxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness ! Julie please send her my regards and let us know if we can do anything. Send mail, books, anything to help her feel cared for and loved.

mary in scotland

JaM said...

Thanks, J, for keeping us posted. Can we email MG at the care facility? MG, while you slow down to heal, I have started reading some of your blog archives, starting with your "Better Writing" lists. Such a wealth of stories! Thank you! Get well soon.

Joy Des Jardins said...

Not so hard to understand that your mom may be feeling this way Julie. I think this whole thing hit her pretty hard....feisty as she is....and probably added to a depression that had already started even before this whole episode. Sometimes the tougher a person is...the harder the adjustment. I'm sending her some big hugs...we all are. My love to your mom...and to you Julie. Stay strong...your mom will bounce back with the right help. Thanks for the update Julie.....

Barbara said...

Such a difficult time for your family! Depression is an awful disease to manage on top of all the other health issues MG is working through. You are in my thoughts and prayers!
