Michael Penn
Juneau Empire
Eric Forst, president of the Glacier Valley Rotary Club, plucks a plastic duck out of the pond Sunday at Rotary Park during the club's fundraiser. The club offered 5,500 ducks for "adoption" at $5 a piece. Romulo Moskito of Juneau won the $10,000 first prize. Amy Mead is paddling the boat.
Pippin jumped on keyboard. Hitting one key. Two or three appear on monitor. Delete extras. Shoiret poset ethetirkfoiret.
Here is my current ABC
a ,b cv dg et kf dg h ir j kf l m n o p q ir s et u cv w x y z.
IRet irs dgetetetirndg ,betetetetir.
Update: All it needed was to rest overnight. It is working fine now.
The rubber duckies seem to be wearing sunglasses. Cool.
LOL I know the feeling when the puter gets cranky.
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