Thursday, April 10, 2008


Hi All,

J here. Maya's Granny asked me to tell you that she's fine, but that she has been crazy busy with this and that, physical therapy and occupational therapy and dr. appts. and sleep studies and so she hasn't had a chance to post, but she will hopefully be able to get to the computer soon. :)




lilalia said...

"Physical therapy and occupational therapy and dr. appts. and sleep studies" all sounds like baby steps on the way to recovery. Take you time and come out of this in better shape than you went in. We'll be here waiting anxiously to hear what you have to say.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, J, for the reassurances. Glad to know she's busy healing.

Susan B said...

Thanks for letting us know! I check here a couple times a day to see how she's doing.

Does she still need any of those things she's listed in the last post?

J said...

Deja pseu, No, I don't think she needs any of those things. :) I got her a few when I was there, and I have a wonderful cousin in Anchorage who has gotten her more of those things. And hopefully, she's leaving in a week, so it wouldn't have time to get there anyway. :)

Bitty said...

Thank you so much for the update. It's good to know she's been so silent because she's so busy mending!

geogrrl said...

Good. I'm glad to hear she's making progress.

I know she was feeling discouraged because "progress" seemed so slow, but like all patients, she forgets that her body has been through a major trauma and needs time. Minor setbacks are normal.

kenju said...

I know all about that, due to mr. kenju's stay in the hospital and re-hab last August. We will be here when you come back!

Chancy said...

Thanks for the update on MG. And the news that she is leaving in a week is super. Will she be moving to California then?

joared said...

Thanks for the up date. Yeah, those therapy folk alone can wear a patient out -- but it's all for the good, believe it or not. You'll be really glad to have the results of the sleep study and reap the benefits of whatever recommendations they're able to provide. Hang in there!

Uncivil said...

Good to hear yout mom will be moving out in a week J.
Hopefully to California?